The Warden

The Warden - David Skilton, Anthony Trollope Enjoyed this very much, my only quibble being that it didn't have much of a shape to it. A problem was presented, the nature of the problem was addressed at length, from various points of view, and a decision was taken, but, after all the examination of the emotions leading up to the decision, there was little or nothing afterwards. Of course, I am assured by the list of titles following in the series, there's bound to be some of that awaiting me.

It's a tribute to Trollope's handle on humanity that though his situation could seem entirely dry, local and chronologically specific - the handling of charitable funds in the Church of England in the nineteenth century - it nonetheless produced both characters and trains of thought that are altogether accessible and recognizable to a twenty-first century reader.

I'm now looking forward to the rest of the Barchester novels.