Edge of Glory: The Inside Story of the Quest for Figure Skatings Olympic Gold Medals

Edge of Glory: The Inside Story of the Quest for Figure Skatings Olympic Gold Medals - Christine Brennan Written in the opinionated style that characterizes journalists, this is a reasonably entertaining account of the events leading up to the 98 Olympics, with the focus on the Tara-vs-Michelle women's event (the men's also gets reasonable coverage, but there's precious little about pairs, no dance, and no real foreshadowing of the judging horrors that would haunt the 2002 Olympics, despite the appearance of those signs in the dance event). Brennan's a bit tough on Tara Lipinski in terms of her depiction of her character - after all, she was just a teenager. But it was a smooth read, and had some interesting quotations from the characters in the skating soap opera. This book must certainly have had an effect in setting some people's early opinion of Michael Weiss and his apparent homophobia.