I'm with the Band: Confessions of a Groupie

I'm with the Band: Confessions of a Groupie - Pamela Des Barres, Dave Navarro [These notes were made in 1989:]. As one might expect, it's a bit flat and a bit flip. And, with Pamela, we have to wade our way through a fair number of semi-celebrities before we get to the meaty stuff about Keith Moon and Mick Jagger, neither of whom appears to have captured Pamela's heart. The men she fell for in a big way were names which may have been famous in the L.A. region, but a rock dilettante like myself has never heard of them, including Michael des Barres, whom she eventually married. "Includes candid photos!" screams the cover, but of course they're not that candid, and I notice that, despite their large parts in the story, there are no photos of Jim Morrison, Jimmy Page (of Led Zeppelin) or Mick Jagger. There are pictures of Keith Moon (including one in drag), and of Don Johnson, with whom Des Barres had an affair before he hit the celebrity jackpot. One's chief impression of Johnson is that he has a really nasty temper. Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll - they're all through this book, but somehow none of them is exciting!